About Me

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As a graduate from Central St. Martins BA Fashion Journalism course, I want to welcome you to my portfolio of work. Here you will hopefully get to understand a bit more about my style of writing both inside and out my university degree, while also getting an insight into my personal interests and strengths. Having completed four years (one of which was spent in industry) of education, I hope that you will find a professional variety of work that demonstrates the skills and traits I have learnt at university.

During my time as a student I was considered a hardworking and quietly determined individual, who enjoyed the research and development stages of the projects given to us, whether it was individually set or group work, and have been praised particularly for my in depth research files throughout every major university project. During my time at Central St. Martins, I heavily grew in confidence and capability both visually and creatively, which is demonstrated through the development of the work seen in my portfolio. This confidence is also reflected through the people I was able to interview during my studies.

Across my time at Central St. Martins, I have managed to include a wide variety of people in my articles and projects both for projects and for publishing. These have included individuals such as, designer Paul Smith, Eco-Age co-founder Livia Firth, stylist Mary Fellowes, creative director Robin Derrick, journalist Tamsin Blanchard, author James Sherwood, V&A senior curator of textiles and fashion Lesley Miller, Museum of London senior curator of fashion and decorative arts Beatrice Behlen and designer Rafael Lopez to name a few.

Apart from the various figures I have interviewed, I have also been fortunate during the last several years to have interned at a wide variety of places, each completely different in what they offered, which has therefore, given me a large set of skills in various fields of the fashion industry. Editorially wise, I have interned at Luncheon Magazine as well as WWD, and have also interned at The Times’ fashion desk. I also partook in a two-month internship at Alexander McQueen as their PR menswear intern, and I also have interned with the Vogue archive. From each of these various places I have learnt a unique set of skills that I believe served me well during my final year of university, and what will continue to serve me well during my formative working years. I have also had writing published at WWD and The Times, and was particularly commended for my time at WWD and the Vogue archive due to my hardworking and eager approach to the internships and the work required.

I currently am employed at Jigsaw as a deputy manager for their branch in Bury St. Edmunds. This current role, whilst different to my previous experiences, has allowed me to further develop certain skills, and also has allowed me to practise leadership as I am often placed in charge of maintaining and running the branch. During my time there, I have absorbed the Jigsaw code, as well as understanding what identities make up the brand, which I believe makes me confident in my ability to discuss and represent them. My skills with visual merchandising have been particularly commended by my colleagues, especially in regards to window dressing which I thoroughly enjoy and always ensure to complete to the highest standard. I approach my job with Jigsaw very seriously and always aim to ensure that the brand is represented beautifully both in the window displays and in store, whilst also ensuring that every customer is given a curated and attentive experience whenever they visit.

As an individual now, I consider myself to be capable, trustworthy and widely skilled in various fields (as seen on my CV). Above all, I consider myself approachable, eager to explore new paths, and I am always happy to participate in any project which is given to me. Above all, I believe myself to be a dependable person, one where you can always be assured that the work will be completed at the highest possible standard, always immaculately researched and never lacking in the facts.


Samuel Burns